November 30, 2007

Life At These Speeds - Discography

Life At These Speeds were a short lived punk/emo/indie (oh really they didn't make it?) band from Oregon. I saw them play at an anarchist bookstore two years ago so I picked up their self-titled album and ultimately their 2006 LP, To Your Health. Both are great, fun albums but the self-titled is slightly better, though the best songs of the two are both on To Your Health, in the poppy "Blocking Out the Stars" and "Not So Long Ago." Then general sound is a mix of punk and the classical emo style. The result is sort of like midwest indie but without the sentimentality and heart-on-sleeve values. Also they have a slightly rougher if more fun attitude.

Life at These Speeds (2004) - Download - Review

To Your Health (2006) - Download - Review


  1. Hey Nick, is there any chance you could post up the Drowning With Our Anchors EP?

  2. ya dude ill upload it soon. i cant find the cover art anywhere though. ill keep looking

  3. hey dfelon, i'll keep looking too. at your pretty eyes.
