Grails' 2004 album
Redlight ruled in all possible ways. Their 2007 album
Burning Off Impurities did not. They shifted from being a concise post-rock band to a psychedelic jam band that tossed in Eastern instrumentation all over the place. Short of assuming Grails went on a pilgrimage to India and met Ravi Shankar, I'll just say their musical direction changed.
Doomsdayer's Holiday does something to reconcile those two worlds. The Eastern influences and jamminess are no longer endless and open-ended and as a result the songs have regained organization and arc. This album comes highly recommended for fans of post-rock, classic rock, or prog looking for something
very different.
Doomsdayer's Holiday [2008] -
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i found good link.
yellow button (Stahnout) and later write CAPTCHA in the middle.
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